Republic of Serbia, Ministry for capital investments.
Donation for Tower design:
City of Belgrade
General designer:
Traffic institute CIP Ltd., Belgrade
The old Avala tower was destroyed in the air strikes 1999. The requirement of the Terms of reference was to built the new tower according to the old architecture. The Tower has a tourist and a telecommunication purpose. Its structure is reinforced concrete up to the height of 136,650 m and from that height to the top at 204,330 m - steel. The most significant characteristic of the new design was a solution of ULS- and SLS-problems due to the wind load. The wind load acc. to actual wind load analysis is about 2,5 wind load of the old design, but the ToR obligation was to retain the concrete structure cross-sections without modifications. The reason of wind load problems was incorrect wind load analysis in the old design, acc. to old norms also. The steel structure is a truss structure of cylindrical members, with the various elements for equipment connections, platforms, ladders.
Design team – Dunica, Životić, Bojović will receive an award in 2010 from the Society of the civil engineers of Serbia for construction achievement from 2008 to 2010.
Design subcontractor for Wind load analysis and for Tower steel structure detailed design:
DEL ING d.o.o., Belgrade,
(ex Delfin Inženjering d.o.o.)
Responsible tower concrete structure designers:
Traffic institute CIP Ltd., Belgrade:
Prof. Dr. Ing. Šerif Dunica.
Dipl.Ing. Branislav Životić.
Responsible tower steel structure designer and Wind load analysis:
Dipl.Ing. Aleksandar Bojović.
Structural steel mass: 70 t.
Design: 2005, 2009.
Construction: 2006-2009.
Dunica,Š., Bojović,A., Životić,B.:
(Design of the new Avala Towe)
DGKS Simpozijum 2008. Zbornik radova, str. 231-236.
Zlatibor – Čigota, 24-26. septembar 2008.
Životić,B., Dunica,Š., Bojović,A.,:
(Restoration project of Avala Tower
Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa 2010. Zbornik radova, str. 7-17.
Departman za građevinarstvo Fakulteta tehničkih nauka Novi Sad.
Društvo građevinskih inženjera Novog Sada.
Andrevlje, 13. i 14. maj 2010.
Hajdin,N., Stipanić,S.:
Opterećenje vetrom novog Tornja na Avali
Article for the website
Čelični deo konstrukcije novog Tornja na Avali
Article for the website
Dunica,Š., Bojović,A., Životić,B.:
Projekt konstrukcije novog Avalskog Tornja.
(Design of the new Avala Tower)
Izgradnja. 2009; 63(3-4):169-172.
Dunica,Š., Životić,B., Bojović,A.:
Novi Toranj na Avali. Konstrukcija tornja.
(The new Avala Tower. The Tower structure)
13. kongres DGKS - 2010. Zbornik radova, str. 13-24.
Zlatibor – Čigota, 22-24. septembar 2010.